Profil Pengurus
Reza Pahlevi Adi Pradana
Ketua UmumKarang Taruna Gandaria Utara dipimpin oleh Ketua Reza Pahlevi Adi Pradana, periode 2021-2026, berlokasi...
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Alan Cahya Ramadhan
Wakil KetuaSebagai Wakil Ketua Karang Taruna Gandaria Utara periode 2021-2026, Alan Cahya Ramadhan berperan...
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Tiara Diva Prasetyanti
Hubungan MasyarakatShe is an accomplished business developer. Her skills at creating relationships with clients are...
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Sajidan Kamal Ardiansyah
Seni Budaya dan OlahragaPada periode kepemimpinan Sajidan Kamal Ardiansyah (2021-2026), Karang Taruna Gandaria Utara fokus...
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Wella Purnama Putri
Organisasi, Kaderisasi & KeanggotaanAs we help other companies grow, she helps us grow. She handles all the internal work at WP consulting...
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Ryanda Apriansyah
Ekonomi KreatifTax laws and regulations are some of the most complicated and infuriating parts of the financial...
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